Having just passed the one year mark here in Australia, we've pretty much settled into daily life and things seem pretty normal now after a year of firsts and surprising differences. However, there are still things that strike me almost daily as being things I would not be likely to ever see at home in Boston. Here's a sample:
Driving home from the gym at 7:00am and seeing this
Walking to the bus in the morning next to this scene
Hannah catching a wave
Corporate offsite meeting at a beachside campground
Swimming lessons at an actual beach instead of in a pool filled with pee
Weather that looks like the world is about to end (sorry for the poor photo quality, I took this through the window in my office)
Bats, bats, everywhere bats
If you thought Americans like to start Christmas early, consider that this picture was taken on Nov 20th. At least we wait until after Thanksgiving. Decorations have been up in Sydney for at least a month already.
Directions for how to get ready for your next Pap. I don't even know what to say about this. Surely this is not necessarily an Australian thing, but the degree to which you have to be open-minded, totally non-PC, and willing to say things that might embarrass others in order to display something like this truly is part of the national character here.
A commitment to environmental awareness like I have never seen anywhere else.
Road signs that speak for themselves
Breathtaking view, after breathtaking view
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