I haven't posted about the price of things here for a while as I think I have become desensitized over the last 2 years and somehow have started to think things are a normal price. But a spin around this specialty store carrying imported treats brought me back to reality. No, your eyes are not deceiving you. That is a box of Twinkies for $20. And I've never even seen those brands of "American" soda so why are they $24 for a 12-pack? You can buy PopTarts in Australia for less than shown here (still overpriced, but in a less insane fashion) but these ones are the "American" version and therefore imported and therefore completely nuts. Will the pricing lunacy never end? I could have photographed dozens of other insultingly priced items, but the shopkeepers were started to glare at me for making the other shoppers (who were actually BUYING things) question their choices. At least the exchange rate is going in our favor recently but that still does not excuse this behavior. I'll miss a LOT of things about Australia but the constant sticker shock will not be one of them. I'm ready to leave a grocery store without feeling like I've been violated.
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